Population Stabilization and Birth Control
Population Stabilization and Birth Control: Overview
This topic consists of various concepts like Lactational Amenorrhea,Vasectomy,Natural Methods of Birth Control, etc.
Important Questions on Population Stabilization and Birth Control
Name three contraceptive methods that prevent fusion of gametes.
Correct the following statement:
Oral pills are very popular contraceptives among the rural women.
Correct the following statement:
Surgical methods of contraception prevent gamete formation.
State True/False with explanation.
Complete lactation could help as a natural method of contraception.
Why is removal of gonads cannot be considered a contraceptive option?
How has the use of contraceptives helped?
Differentiate between vasectomy and tubectomy.
Give a term for a method of fertility control in females by tying the oviducts.
Give a term for a method of fertility control in males by tying of vas deferens.
Consider the statements given below regarding contraception and answer as directed thereafter
(a) Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) during first trimester is generally safe.
(b) Generally chances of conception are nil until mother breast-feeds the infant upto two years.
(c) Intrauterine devices like copper T are effective contraceptives.
(d) Contraceptive pills may be taken upto one week after coitus to prevent conception.
Which two of the above statements are correct?
Which of the following birth control measures can be considered as the safest?
The sterilisation in males is performed surgically by
Select an incorrect statement regarding pills:
Match List I with List II.
List I |
List II |
A. Vasectomy | I. Oral Method |
B. Coitus interruptus | II. Barrier Method |
C. Cervical caps |
III. Surgical Method |
D. Saheli | IV. Natural Method |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Tablets to prevent male contraception contain:
Birth control tablets in females, popularly referred to as pills, prevent pregnancy by _____ .
Assertion: One of the natural methods of contraception is lactational amenorrhoea.
Reason: Ovulation generally does not occur during active lactation.
The correct option among the following is
If tubectomy is done. Is menstrual cycle continues or stops?
_____ is natural category of contraceptive method:
After tubectomy can a woman get her period?